Shea is wise beyond his years and continues to lead the way for our family. There has been no shortage of updates to his health this year, but we are taking it in stride. We keep learning more about what makes him so unique, but all this comes at a price (countless imaging, sedation, hospitalizations and second opinions). While we wouldn’t want him to be anyone but himself, we desperately wish we could take this all on for him. Below is a note from our sister and auntie extraordinaire, Nikki:

“This year, Shea has been forced to endure previously unimaginable medical obstacles and procedures. Unfortunately, the year isn’t over yet. This December, Shea will be admitted to the hospital yet again to undergo a rather challenging surgery, one that requires much planning. Erin and Pieter have been advised to expect a long recovery period for Shea and will be doing their best to focus on family time together. They only hope Shea will be feeling well enough post-surgery to enjoy his birthday at home.

Many people have been checking in and asking how to help - thank you!  We appreciate your love and support for Shea, Holly, Tatum, Erin & Pieter.  Here are a few ways to send love and support their way.  Being a part of the Berger’s lives and checking in on them does them so much good and they are exceedingly grateful. Please don’t stop! In lieu of a meal train (as eating will be a challenge for Shea post-surgery and Erin and Pieter can’t stand the thought of eating in front of him), we have put together a wish list of things that we hope to use to brighten Shea’s day, offer his sister’s comfort and give Erin and Pieter the strength to tackle each day. Once they are recovering at home, gift cards to some of their favorite places, such as Trader Joe’s, Thrive Market, Sprouts, Islands and Panini Kabob Grill, will allow them to focus their attention on Shea’s recovery and being together as a family.

Please use this Amazon Wish List.  Items will ship straight to the Bergers.  If you would like to drop off gift cards and/or notes, feel free to reach out to me and we can coordinate from there.

Thank you for being a part of Shea’s journey and most importantly, providing the support to Erin, Pieter and family.”

Much love,  "Auntie" Nikki